1. Place your cursor in the text where you want your file link to be
  2. Click “Add Media” to upload your PDF or Word document
  3. In the “Add Media” window, type a title for your download link
  4. Click “Insert into post” and you will have a link like this in your text:
    My Word Doc
  5. If you want your file to open in a new window (preferred) instead of opening in the current window, do the following:
    1. Highlight your file link
    2. Click the Link tool in the toolbar
    3. Check the “Open link in a new window/tab” option
    4. Click “Update”
    5. Done.

Note! There is a difference between uploading a PDF v.s. a Word document. Web browsers can’t open and display a Word document, and will download the Word file directly to the user’s desktop instead.

If you upload a PDF to your page, the PDF will open in the browser window instead of download when clicked. The user then has the option to download the PDF if he/she wants to.